1·That is far higher than the average of 9% for big companies across Europe or America's 15% for the Fortune 500.
2·Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers.
公开记录表明,Yorco 雇用的按小时计酬的工人数量与 Zortech 大致相同,但每年付给这些工人的工资总额要高得多。
3·Involuntary part-time employment is still far higher than before the recession, but it is down by 640,000 (7.9 percent) from its year-ago level.
4·However, public infrastructure did not keep pace with urban sprawl, causing massive congestion problems which now make commuting times far higher.
5·Studies demonstrate that vegetables grown in season and ripened on the tree are far higher in essential nutrients than those grown in greenhouses and ripened by laser.
6·Other estimates are far higher.
7·2bn, but some analysts believe the total is far higher.
8·Craft wages and prices remained far higher in England than before.
9·The final bill will be far higher than the cheque written this week.
10·However, magazines made from virgin paper have far higher footprints.